InsideVenice for Plastic Free

InsideVenice for Plastic Free

Brochure and illustrative material
InsideVenice for #veniceplasticfree campaign.

Name: Venice Plastic Free
Client: Romanelli Group
Collaboration: Noah Romanelli
Process: Ideation of the creativity and Print



Environment annual magazine
Global Food and Beverage company.

Name: Pepsico - Environment magazine
Client: Immagicgroup srl | Pepsico international
Process: Ideation of the creativity and Print

Flora Fit Club

Flora Fit Club

Flyer and Logo
Fitness & Welness.

Name: Flora Fit Club - Flyer
Client: Flora Fit Club Venezia
Process: Ideation of the creativity and Print



Periodical magazine
Viticoltori in Valdobbiadene from 1542.

Name: Bisol - Viticoltori in Valdobbiadene from 1542
Client: Immagicgroup srl | Bisol
Process: Ideation of the creativity and Print